
XI ZIFF announces contests for screenplays and short films.

The Eleventh Zabaikalsky International Film Festival, which will be held in Chita from May 30 to June 3, 2024 announces a competition for screenplays and a contest for the best short film. But this year the geography of the competition for the Best Short Film, has been expanded, and all the people from the other regions of Russia and the countries of the world who wish to participate, can take part in it. The format of short films will allow to see the main trends in the development of cinematography, catch new expressive means, and adapt modern technologies to the process of filmmaking in a short finished form.

In addition, for the participants for the best scenario this year, all restrictions on the subject are removed. All participants of the contest will be able to realize all their creative ideas.

During the film festival in Transbaikalia, the competitions became a good tradition, revealed real talents and opened the way to a great cinematic future.

March 18 - May 10, 2024

Competition for the best short film script

  • Only the resident of the TransBaikal Territory can take part in the contest, who wrote the script for a short film. Only completed works, decorated in composition, are accepted for consideration.

For participation

The script should be sent to the e-mail address of the press-secretary of the Film Festival The script for participation in the competition is will be accepted if there is an application for participation.


March 18 - May 10, 2024

Competition for the best short film script

Only the resident of the TransBaikal Territory can take part in the contest, who wrote the script for a short film. Only completed works, decorated in composition, are accepted for consideration.

The script should be written in Russian and not exceed more than 40 pages of printed text. This year, the Organizing Committee does not limit participants on the topic of the scenario.

March 18 - May 10, 2024

Competition for the Best Short Film

  • Short movies up to 30 min are accepted
  • Year of production 2023-2024
  • Files should be less 5Gb or as a link to encrypted source
March 18 - May 10, 2024

Competition for the Best Short Film

Anyone who takes a short film on a camera (film, video or digital) or a mobile phone can take part in the competition. The film must be a complete work, have initial and / or end titles. The recording quality of the material should be sufficient to play on a computer in good quality (* avi, * mov, * mkv).

The footage should be sent by e-mail to the official address of the Film Festival The film for participation in the competition is accepted if there is an application for participation.