
The sword of victory / Меч победы

2013, 101 MIN

Directors & scriptwriters Asiya Suleeva, Anuar Raibaev
Camera Bolat Suleev
Design Aidar Ikhsanov
Music Alibi Mambetov
Cast: Erzhan Nurymbet, Dinmukhammed Sadybekov, Aziz Beishenaliev, Bata, Bolat Kalymbetov, Dariga Kushekbaeva, Zhaidarbek Kunguzhinov
Producer Aubakir Suleev
Production Kazakhfilm Studio, Alem Studio

A story of pupil Aituar, who happened to find an ancient sword. Suddenly the sword’s owner appears from the old times to take it. But not only he is looking for this sword of victory but Dzungarias as well. They need it to win the final battle. Dzungaria’s ruler orders his shaman to get the symbolic sword at any rate. Thus he also finds himself in a modern world and the extraordinary adventures of the heroes begin.


Born in Kazakhstan. Graduate of VGIK, film directing class of L.Kristi. Documentary and fiction film director, professor. Author of over 20 non-fiction films. Her fiction features are “My Home on the Green Hills” (1985) and “Magic Sponsor” (1998).


Born in 1971. Graduated from VGIK and from the Higher Courses for Scriptwriters & Film Directors, class of A.Mitta. Teaches in the Kazakh National Academy of Arts. His filmography includes “Brothers Horse Wranglers” (doc.), “Tekemet” (doc.), “Salavat and Zukhra”, “Baraniada”, “Rakhmet”, “Lave”, etc.

World sales
Kazakhfilm Studio


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