2014, 91 MIN.
Director Nigina Sayfullaeva
Script Lyubov Mulmenko, Nigina Sayfullaeva
Camera Mark Ziselson
Design Marusya Parfyonova-Chukhray
Cast: Konstantin Lavronenko, Alexandra Bortich, Marina Vasilyeva, Kirill Kaganovich, Anna Kotova
Producers Igor Tolstunov, Sergey Kozlov, Sergey Kornikhin
Production Igor Tolstunov’s Film Production Company (PROFIT), Droog Drooga Film Company with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
Two 17-year-old Moscowite girls, Olya and Sasha, are going to the Crimea to meet Olya’s father Sergey. Sergey has lived in a small seaside village his whole life and he has never seen his only daughter. When Olya finds herself at the threshold of her father’s house, she gets scared of meeting him. Olya asks Sasha to trade places with her. So Sasha introduces herself as Olya and pretends to be Sergey’s daughter while Olya claims to be her best friend. At first girls have their fun. Little did they know that this innocent joke will turn into great drama and change their lives forever.
Born in Dushanbe. In 2005 graduated from Russian State University of the Humanities (majoring in history of arts), from Institute of Contemporary Art. In 2010 she completed studies in the Higher Courses for Scriptwriters and Film Directors (class of V.Khotinenko, P.Finn and V.Fenchenko). In 2012 she completed scriptwriting courses of “Kultbureau”. Her short “I Want with You” (2009) took part in the competition program of shorts at the Sochi Open Russian Film Festival “Kinotavr” and was awarded the in the category “Best Feature Film” at the film festival “Kinoclick”. Another her short called “Dogrose” (2011) was awarded with two prizes at the Moscow film festival “Saint Anna” and also won the diploma of Tarkovsky Award and the award at the IFF of “ArtoDocs”. Her filmography includes “Behind the Clouds” (2007, short) and “Deffchonki” (2012, episodes from TV series).
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