
A film about Alexeev / Кино про Алексеева

2014, 95 MIN.

Director & scriptwriter Mikhail Segal
Camera Eduard Moshkovich
Design Vasily Raspopov, Leonid Kipnis
Music Mikhail Segal
Cast: Alexander Zbruev, Alexei Kapitonov, Tatiana Maist, Xenia Radchenko, Denis Fomin, Svetlana Pervushina, Anastasia Popkova, Maxim Vinogradov, Andrei Makarevich
Producers Natalia Mokritskaya, Uliana Savelieva, Mila Rozanova
Production Film Company New People with support of the Ministry of Culture of Russia

Sometimes we know less about the past than about the future. Alexeev, a lonely old man, unexpectedly discovers that he has not lived the life he thought he had, and finds himself to be a completely different person.

Director, writer. Born in Orel in 1974. Studied at the director’s faculty of VGIK. Made video clips for rock and hip-hop performers. His full-length debut “Franz+Polina” (2006) received awards at many Russian and international film festivals. In 2010 he published his first book, “Youth”. In 2011 one of the stories served as basis for his short film “The World of Fixture”, which won the shorts competition at festival “Kinotavr” in 2011. In 2012 he made the almanac film “Short Stories”, which has been awarded a prize for Best Script and the Diploma of the Guild of Film Scholars and Film Critics at “Kinotavr 2012” and awards of other Russian festivals. In 2012 he published his second book, “Short Stories”.

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