2014, 105 MIN.
Director & scriptwriter Kenzhebek Shaikakov
Camera Ekpin Zhenis
Design Aidar Ikhsan
Cast: Almat Esimov, Zinat Kydyrmaeva, Dauren Zhumadilov, Galym Aman, Erlik Shaikakov, Erbolat Algozha, Gaukhar Ainiyazova, Nurzhan Kulshinbaev, Kenzhebek Shaikakov, Ekpin Zhenis
Producer Kenzhebek Shaikakov
Production DS Film Studio
A policeman catches Sapar red-handed: he has stolen a hen. The officer makes the most of his official status and sends Sapar into the mountains to herd sheep without pay. The protagonist is afraid to turn down the proposal because he fears that his relatives will reproach him, so he has to accept his plight. Once up in the mountains Sapar meets a Kirgiz girl. She is lonely just like him and her soul is bruised like his own. She also dreams about freedom. Together they build a hut on the border and now no one is interfering with their lives. It’s their world!
Born in 1977 in the village of Akshi, Aktyubinsk region, USSR. Scriptwriter, director, actor. Studied at the T.Zhurgenov Institute of Theatre and Cinema as a film and theatre actor, in 1998 completed the class by the playwright and writer A.Tarazi as a scriptwriter and editor. Worked as a journalist, editor and director on the Kazakh television. Wrote and acted in several live-action films, worked as second director at the Kazakhfilm Studio. “Hut” is his directorial debut.