

From May 21 to 24, 2015, the Fifth Trans-Baikal International Film Festival was held in Chita. Traditionally, the film festival became a loud event in the cultural life of the Transbaikalian Region.

The drama of Yuri Bykov "Fool" was recognized as the best film of the film festival, and the performer starring Natalia Surkova won the prize in the nomination "Best Actress". The best actor was Konstantin Lavronenko for the role of Sergei in the film "What's My Name". The prize in the nomination "Best Director" was shared by Jean-Pierre Dardenne and Luc Dardenne for the painting "Two Days, One Night". German screenwriters Hubert Montatailhet, Harun Faroki and Christian Petzold received the prize for the best script for the film "Phoenix". The audience prize in the main competition went to Mikhail Segal's drama "Cinema about Alekseyev".

Three debut paintings, presented in the framework of the V ZIFF contest, were awarded by special jury diplomas. Diploma for imaginative cinematographic decision was the drama "Shalash" directed by Kenjebek Shaykakov. Another special prize - for the theme of tolerance and humanism on the screen - deserved the movie "Norzhima." The film "What's My Name" was awarded a special diploma for a subtle understanding of the psychology of young people and for a wonderful actor's ensemble.

The prize for the best film in the contest "New Look" was awarded to the Spanish family comedy "Zip and Zap. Club of Glass Balls "(directed by Oscar Santos Gomez). The prize of the audience's sympathy for the contest "New Look" was awarded to the "Adventures of the Little Italians". A special diploma of the jury for the brightness of the visual solution and genre matching was awarded to the film "Vacations of Little Nicolas".

Special prizes were awarded to the guests of the film festival: Artist of the Russian Federation Yuri Nazarov was awarded by the organizers for his invaluable contribution to the development of the national spectator cinema. Artist of Russia Alla Surikova received a prize for her unique personal achievements in cinematography. Artist of the RSFSR Larisa Golubkina was awarded the prize of the Governor of the Trans-Baikal Territory.

The best short film in the contest for the Transbaikalians was Nikita Ivakin's film "Reproduction". A special diploma for an active civic position gained the film "My Road" and his producer Alexander Sapozhnikov.

Kondratyev Nikita received the prize for the best short film script in the framework of the contest for Transbaikalians for his short film series "Shard", "Magic Box" and "Mother's Birthday". Encouraging prize went to Nikolai Chernyaev, editor of the newspaper "Chita Review", for the script "Stranger".

The president of the film festival is the Artist of the RSFSR Alexander Mikhailov, the chairman of the organizing committee is Victor Shkulyov, the general director is Lilia Savina. Maria Bezenkova, a film critic, candidate of art criticism, an expert in contemporary foreign and domestic cinema, and a film critic was again appointed as the program director of the V ZIFF.

The initiator of the film festival - NP "Transbaikalian compatriots"
The general sponsor of the film festival is InterMediaGroup
Information partner - Andrey Malakhov's journal StarHit

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