2016, 90 MIN.
Director & scriptwriter Ralph Loop
Camera Tobias Rupp
Producer Christiane Enders
Production TV Plus, Medea Film, Nexo Digital
The documentary invites us to take a closer look at the work of one of the great Renaissance masters Sandro Botticelli, more precisely at the enchanting and somber circles of “Dante’s Hell”. The film speaks about mortal sins, painstaking investigations, unattainable freedom and the seemingly unsolvable mysteries. The stories behind old masterpieces are so thrilling, striking and incredible that they can surpass the most popular modern thriller.
The scriptwriter and director Ralph Loop created a film which is a journey into the previously unexplored depths, which will give us a better understanding of Botticelli’s personality and genius. Specifically for this project Botticelli’s masterpiece was subjected to powerful scanning which permitted to see numerous details previously concealed from the naked eye. The shooting took place in 2016 throughout Europe in such unique places as the Uffizzi Gallery in Florence, the Vatican Library, as well as in London, Berlin and the ravines of Scotland.