2017, 70 MIN.
Director Anna Protokovilo
Script Denis Vyaznikov
Camera Vitaly Shalamov, Dmitry Koval
Music Sergey Eksuzyan
Cast: Vladislav Rodikov, Lyubava Yarovaya, Alexander Chusovitin, Nikita Buryachek, Oleg Maiboroda, Nelli Gatina, Nikita Krasnoyarov, Dmitry Vostrikov, Arina Volkova, Alina Bazhanova
Producer Denis Vyaznikov
Production Kraski Studio
Members of the youth organization “Ecologists of Siberia” find out that a huge hotel is to be built on the banks of Lake Baikal in a conservancy. Egor, the leader of the Ecologists urges to thwart the plans at any cost and protect wildlife. The young men go to the Baikal and set up a tent camp at the future construction site. The confrontation of young ecologists and the building corporation begins, both parties are adamant. The tension heightens when it transpires that Egor’s girlfriend is the daughter of the chief executive of the building corporation. The builders must start work and they decide to take extreme measures…
Born in Novosibirsk. In 2012 graduated from the Novosibirsk State Institute of Theatre as film and theatre actress (class of E.Zhdanov). At present she is a student at the directorial department of the Schukin Theatre Institute (class of Yu.Pogrebnichko). Worked as an actress and a director at the Novosibirsk theatre studio “First Theatre”, taught acting at the Novosibirsk State Institute of Theatre. Since 2016 she is a director and teacher at the studio of live-action cinema “Kraski”. Directed the shorts “36500 Days” (2013) and “Supper” (2015). “Lake of Heroes” is her feature debut.
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Kraski Studio Ltd.