
The mission / Миссия

2016, 106 MIN.

Director, scriptwriter & camera Alexander Sveshnikov
Idea, design Sergey Kozlov
Music Vyacheslav Privalov
Featuring: Victor Danilov, Alexander Tylkevich, Ingvar Aurum
Producer Vladimir Sungorkin
Production V. Dvorzhetsky Studio, JSC Publishing House “Komsomolskaya Pravda”

This film was shot in an amazing place which is the Chara Basin in the very north of Transbaikalia. The basin is surrounded by the mountain peaks. The snowy summits are silently looking at the Chara Desert of unclear origin and the swarming of people who are small like grains of sand. Since ancient times the Evenks had roamed about here. Only in the middle of the twentieth century the civilization came here to extract the first Soviet uranium by the labour of prisoners; it cut through the Chara Basin with the rails of the BAM (the Baikal-Amur Mainline)... Why have the protagonists come here? What kind of burden do they carry? What kind of Mission do they have?

Born in Moscow in 1965. Director, scriptwriter, director of photography, writer. Began his career at the Mosfilm Studio. Since 1993 started working as director and cameraman at various studios. Set up the Vladislav Dvorzhetsky Studio in memory of the actor. Directed more than 50 movies. His documentaries won awards at different festivals and competitions. Acting member of the Russian Geographical Society. Author of the novel “Siberia Odyssey”, the album “Chara Basin, a Unique Geographical Region in Russia” and others.

World sales
JSC Publishing House “Komsomolskaya pravda”

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