RUSSIA 2017,
105 MIN.
Director Vladimir Kott
Script Andrey Taratuknin, Dmitry Lanchikhin, Oxana Karas (participation) Camera Mikhail Agranovich
Design Alexander Zagoskin
Music Ruslan Muratov
Cast: Marina Neyolova, Alisa Freindlikh, Evgeny Mironov, Natalya Surkova, Sergey Puskepalis, Aleksandr Bashirov
Producer Nikita Vladimirov
Production KinoCluster
Elena Mikhailovna, having worked all her life in the only school of a provincial town, lives modestly in retirement. Unexpectedly she learns of a fatal diagnosis, which can at any moment end her life. Instead of an unbearable anticipation, she resolutely begins the preparation for her own death, in order to simplify the procedure for her son. She has not seen her only son for over ve years because he works in the capital. Oleg is constantly busy, and he does not have time for his lonely mother. At the same time with all the new problems, the heroine receives as a gi a huge carp, which changes her life.
Born in 1973. In 1996 graduated from the director’s faculty of the State Institute of Theatre Art (class B. Golubovsky), in 2003 from the Higher Courses for Scriptwriters and Film Directors (class of V.Khotinenko). In 1996–2000 he worked in the Tver Theatre for Young People, Novgorod’s Dostoevsky Drama Theatre, Kaluga and Moscow theatres. Participant in and winner of national and international film festivals. His filmography includes “Door” (2004, short), “Mukha” (2008), “Gromozeka” (2011), “The Lower Depths” (2014), a number of TV series.
World sales
KinoCluster kinokovaleva@gmail.com